Webinar: Vaccinations and the Bridge Access Program (American Sign Language, English)

Three speakers, including a middle-aged white male, a middle-aged white woman, and a middle-aged South-Asian man appear on a screen

Webinar: Vaccinations and the Bridge Access Program (American Sign Language, English)

Date posted: December 6, 2023
Last reviewed: May 22, 2024

Administration for Community Living (ACL), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Webinar provides older adults and people with disabilities, caregivers, and those who work with older adults and people with disabilities an overview of the Bridge Access Program, which provides vaccines for individuals without insurance. Resources specific for those in aging and disability networks are also discussed, such as the Eldercare Locator and Disability Information & Access Line (DIAL). The full webinar is available here: Fall Vaccinations and the Bridge Access Program | ACL.


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