Funding Opportunities

The list below includes helpful resources that may be of interest if you are looking for federal grants training and/or open funding opportunities.

Federal Grants Management Training Series

Federal Grants Management Training Series

Interested in learning more about federal grants management? This training series is a self-paced course for those interested in applying for federal funds or those who need a refresher course. In the course, you will learn: 1) federal grant basics; 2) notice of awards, award budget and subrecipients; and 3) federal grant management. You will receive a certificate of completion.

This training is a collaboration of the CDC's Center for State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Support, the Office of Grant Services, Public Health Foundation and the CDC Foundation.

You can find the training at the CDC TRAIN platform.


Open Funding Opportunities

If your organization is offering funding related to vaccination and health equity, please let us know at

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