Stories and Highlights

Take a closer look at the power of partnerships that bring together resources, people and ideas to help keep America, and the world, healthy, safe and secure.

Showing 45 resultsSorting by newest first
How Long-Time Health Promotoras Became Essential Messengers
Latino Health Access says the promotora model has a rich history and is as effective as ever.
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A New York CBO Trains a New Generation of Community Health Workers
For Lantern Community Services, equipping people from within the community to promote vaccines is key to reaching people impacted by homelessness.
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How Trusted Messengers Increase Vaccine Uptake
A New Hampshire CBO says one-to-one relationships are unmatched.
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Vaccine Education Program for Children Addresses Vaccine Hesitancy in South Central Pennsylvania
In South Central Pennsylvania, Emergency Services Health Federation (ESHF), an organization focused on emergency medical response, recently expanded their mission to enhance prevention and harm reduction.
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How Can Health Workers Improve Access to Information in Their Communities?
A South Carolina nonprofit shares how the organization keeps its community’s trust.
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Shame and Blame Can Create Barriers to Vaccination
Houston’s Civic Heart explains how community health workers can combat stigma and reach people where they’re at.
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To Fight Pandemic Fatigue, Open Dialogue Is Key, Says Houston Nonprofit
The Institute for Spirituality and Health explains how community health workers can adapt to COVID-19 variants, changing government guidelines, and pandemic fatigue.
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Why A COVID-19 Infection Is Risky for Heart Health
PGN talked with a cardiologist in Dallas, Texas, about vaccine safety and considerations for those with heart disease.
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