Webinar: The Pandemic's Impact on Child, Adolescent, and Adult Routine Immunization Coverage

Webinar title slide and image of webinar host Matthew Bobo

Webinar: The Pandemic's Impact on Child, Adolescent, and Adult Routine Immunization Coverage

Date posted: February 16, 2023
Last reviewed: June 25, 2024

National Association of County & City Health Officials (NACCHO)

Webinar presents the latest data and trends in routine vaccination among children, teens, and adults and discusses the impact of the pandemic on vaccination coverage and confidence. The data highlight the lingering impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on routine vaccinations, as well as continued disparities in coverage. The webinar also describes CDC's efforts to promote catch-up vaccination for doses missed due to the pandemic. The webinar is 58 minutes long and is available here: National Immunization Coverage Data with CDC | NACCHO.


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