Video: Should Parents Vaccinate Children with Allergies? (1:16)

Pediatrician Rhea Boyd, MD, MPH speaking in a video titled "Can kids with allergies get the COVID-19 vaccine?

Video: Should Parents Vaccinate Children with Allergies? (1:16)

Date posted: April 1, 2022
Last reviewed: June 04, 2024

Kaiser Family Foundation – Greater Than COVID

Video explains that children with allergies can still get the COVID-19 vaccine. This video is part of The Conversation Between Us About Us campaign co-developed by the Kaiser Family Foundation's Greater Than COVID project and the Black Coalition Against COVID, in partnership with the American Academy of Pediatrics. The campaign brings together doctors, nurses, researchers, and community health care workers to provide facts and dispel misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines. The video is available here: Can kids with allergies get the COVID-19 vaccine? Rhea Boyd, MD, MPH | Greater Than COVID.


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