Factsheet: Template Letter for Parents/Guardians About COVID Vaccines for Early Care and Education Programs (English, Spanish)


Factsheet: Template Letter for Parents/Guardians About COVID Vaccines for Early Care and Education Programs (English, Spanish)

Date posted: August 29, 2022
Last reviewed: February 10, 2023

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)

Factsheet provides a template letter for early care and education programs to send to parents and guardians informing them about the availability of COVID-19 vaccines for children aged 6 months and older. The template letter is customizable and provides information about where parents/guardians can find vaccines, why they should get their children vaccinated, and where to go with questions. The factsheet is available in English at: Letter Template About COVID Vaccines for Early Care and Education Programs to Send to Parents/Guardians | HHS and Spanish at: Plantilla: carta dirigida a padres y tutores legales de los centros de cuidado de niños de edad preescolar sobre las vacunas contra el COVID | HHS


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