Webinar: Using Motivational Interviewing to Increase COVID-19 Vaccinations - Practical Applications

Webinar: Using Motivational Interviewing to Increase COVID-19 Vaccinations - Practical Applications

Date posted: October 19, 2022
Last reviewed: December 15, 2022

Alliant Health Solutions

Webinar demonstrates the practical applications of using motivational interviewing (MI) to guide conversations around COVID-19 vaccination. MI is a flexible, client-centered approach that can help patients make positive changes to support better health goals. The webinar includes three vignettes showing the use of MI techniques in conversations about vaccination. The webinar is approximately 30 minutes long and is available here: BOOST Education: 2/9 - Motivational Interviewing Part 2 | Alliant Health Solutions. The webinar slides and a transcript of the vignettes are available for download. A related webinar with an overview of MI is available here: Webinar: Using Motivational Interviewing to Increase COVID-19 Vaccinations.


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