Webinar: Community-based Models for Addressing COVID-19 Mis- and Disinformation (Spanish)

Blue and white slide with flags and organization logos and a woman in a pink blazer in the upper right.

Webinar: Community-based Models for Addressing COVID-19 Mis- and Disinformation (Spanish)

Date posted: April 8, 2022
Last reviewed: July 01, 2024

Health Initiative of the Americas (HIA), World Voices Media

Webinar from March 2022 discusses COVID-19 misinformation and disinformation in the Latinx community. Panelists include leaders of community-based organizations who work directly with marginalized communities and health experts from various Latin American Consulates. Webinar panelists discuss how mis- and disinformation have impacted the Latinx community. They also provide strategies they have used to dispel mis- and disinformation, including physically going to where people are to deliver information, utilizing doctors of the same or similar nationalities to spread information and administer vaccinations, and making messaging clear and precise. The duration of the webinar is about an hour.


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