Video: How Healthcare Professionals Recommend Vaccines - Flu Vaccines Protect Others (0:33)

Video: How Healthcare Professionals Recommend Vaccines - Flu Vaccines Protect Other Children (0:33)

Video: How Healthcare Professionals Recommend Vaccines - Flu Vaccines Protect Others (0:33)

Date posted: July 27, 2022
Last reviewed: September 05, 2023

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Video features a healthcare provider describing how she recommends flu vaccines to pediatric patients. She explains to caregivers that when their child is vaccinated, not only is their child protected, those at high risk for serious illness - infants, the elderly, those with compromised immune systems - who have contact with their child are also protected. The video is available here: Lacey Eden, NP-C, Describes How She Recommends Flu Vaccine to Pediatric Patients | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


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