Webinar: Building Equity Into the Community-level COVID-19 Response (English, Spanish)

Webinar: Building Equity Into the Community-level COVID-19 Response (English, Spanish)

Date posted: March 28, 2022
Last reviewed: December 23, 2022

Partnering for Vaccine Equity (P4VE)

Webinar features speakers from Communities RISE (Reach, Immunizations, System Change for Equity). The webinar discusses strategies for building equity into community responses to COVID-19. According to speakers, the COVID-19 response requires more than getting people vaccinated. It requires a coordinated strategic response across sectors to address mental, physical, social, and spiritual well-being. The English webinar is 57:06 and is available here: Recording_CommunitiesRISE_3.7.22 | P4VE. The Spanish webinar, which is a live interpretation from the English webinar, is 57:00 and is available here: Spanish | [Español] Recording_CommunitiesRISE_3.7.22 | P4VE. Webinar slides are available for download.


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