Video: Inoculating Against Online Misinformation Techniques - Ad Hominem Attacks (1:36)

Graphic shows a cartoon of a clown talking a podium with microphones.

Video: Inoculating Against Online Misinformation Techniques - Ad Hominem Attacks (1:36)

Date posted: January 2, 2025
Last reviewed: January 02, 2025

Truth Labs for Education: Cambridge University, University of Bristol, and Google Jigsaw

Video provides "pre-bunking" techniques to identify and counter misinformation online. The video focuses on ad hominem attacks, attacking the person making an argument to distract from what they are saying. This is part of a series of videos rooted in inoculation theory, which hypothesizes that exposure to particular manipulation technique or misleading rhetorical device commonly encountered online can help develop resistance against future manipulative persuasion attempts. The video can be viewed at: Pre-bunking Manipulation Techniques: Ad Hominem | Truth Labs for Education


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