Video: Testimonial to Promote Vaccination Against HPV (2:20)

Tamika Felder, a Black woman, smiles and speaks from a living room.

Video: Testimonial to Promote Vaccination Against HPV (2:20)

Date posted: September 7, 2022
Last reviewed: September 07, 2022

Vaccinate Your Family

Video features a testimonial promoting HPV vaccination from Tamika Felder, who speaks about her experience being diagnosed with early-stage cervical cancer due to an HPV infection. Tamika emphasizes that while the HPV vaccine cannot cure cervical cancer, it is the best way to prevent cancers caused by HPV. She encourages vaccinating young people against HPV at age 11 or 12 to prevent HPV-related cancers. The video is available here: Tamika (A Cervical Cancer Story) | Vaccinate Your Family


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