Report: Intersectionality - Amplifying Impacts on Health Equity

A tree grows out of the soil to produce leaves and fruits. The tree has three distinct colors of roots, which are braided together to form the trunk and branches. The soil is labeled "cultural determinants" and includes racism, heterosexism, and sexism. Each other level of the tree corresponds to a level of health influence, from the structural determinants to health and wellbeing in the fruits.

Report: Intersectionality - Amplifying Impacts on Health Equity

Date posted: August 1, 2023
Last reviewed: August 01, 2023


Blog post introduces the concept of health equity. After defining intersectionality and why it matters for health, the report offers suggestions for applying an intersectional lens when creating health care policies, systems, and provider training in order to deliver equitable care to all patients. The blog also highlights the impact of oppression at each health determinant level and suggests that implementing intersectional interventions ensures that efforts to enact change are done equitably and effectively. The blog post is available at: Intersectionality: Amplifying Impacts on Health Equity | Mathematica.


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