Webinar: What's Up and New with Flu (and COVID and RSV) Vaccinations This Year?

Image includes four headshots include a white woman, a Black woman, and two Asian women

Webinar: What's Up and New with Flu (and COVID and RSV) Vaccinations This Year?

Date posted: September 5, 2024
Last reviewed: September 05, 2024

National Minority Quality Forum (NMQF)

Webinar highlights important information regarding the upcoming COVID-19, Flu, and RSV Fall 2024 season. Webinar speakers discuss trends in infection, hospitalization, and mortality rates from COVID-19, Flu, and RSV, prevention strategies to protect yourself and others, and urge people to get vaccinated. Further information on COVID-19, Flu, and RSV vaccine eligibility is also discussed. The duration of the webinar is 1:00:57 and can be accessed here: What's Up and New with Flu (and COVID and RSV) Vaccinations this Year | NMQF.


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