Webinar: Implementing the 2024–2025 RSV Recommendations - Older Adults, Pregnant Women, and Infants/Young Children


Webinar: Implementing the 2024–2025 RSV Recommendations - Older Adults, Pregnant Women, and Infants/Young Children

Date posted: January 17, 2025
Last reviewed: January 17, 2025

National Network of Immunization Coalitions

This webinar covers RSV recommendations and best practices for implementing recommendations for adults, pregnant women, infants, and young children. The material includes current CDC recommendations related to maternal, birthing, and pediatric care coordination and documentation. The duration of this webinar is 51:50 and can be viewed at: Implementing the 2024–2025 RSV Recommendations: Older Adults, Pregnant Women, and Infants/Young Children | National Network of Immunization Coalitions.


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