Webinar: Honest Conversations About Health (Spanish, English)

Honest Conversations campaign toolkit description

Webinar: Honest Conversations About Health (Spanish, English)

Date posted: January 7, 2023
Last reviewed: January 12, 2024

National Resource Center for Refugees, Immigrants, and Migrants (NRC-RIM)

Webinar communicates how community-based organizations (CBOs) can use the Honest Conversations campaign to help connect their communities to health guidelines and resources in a timely, relevant, and compelling way. The webinar shares how CBOs used materials from the Honest Conversations toolkit to address misinformation, build trust, and tailor messages about COVID-19 vaccines in their communities. The webinar and slides are available in Bilingual Spanish at: Bilingual Spanish | Conversaciones Honestas: Honest Conversations About Health in RIM Communities (Bilingual Spanish) | NRC-RIM.


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