Webinar: The Power of Framing - Bridging Political Divides to Strengthen Public Health

Video still shows webinar's first slide & presentation's title 'The Power of Framing.'

Webinar: The Power of Framing - Bridging Political Divides to Strengthen Public Health

Date posted: January 2, 2024
Last reviewed: January 02, 2024

de Beaumont Foundation, Public Health Communications Collaborative

Webinar explores how effective framing and positioning of public health issues can drive understanding, empathy, and action in support of public health. The webinar includes strategies to bridge divides and reach target audiences across the political spectrum. The webinar opens with an introductory presentation on the concept of framing, then panelists share practical insights on how they would respond to example scenarios inspired by real world challenges. The webinar is 1 hour long and can be accessed at The Power of Framing: Bridging Political Divides to Strengthen Public Health | PHCC.


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