Webinar: Changes to Medicaid Enrollment Policies With the End of the PHE (English, Spanish)

Webinar: Changes to Medicaid Enrollment Policies With the End of the PHE (English, Spanish)

Date posted: June 20, 2023
Last reviewed: June 20, 2023

Partnering for Vaccine Equity (P4VE)

Webinar discusses changes to Medicaid coverage occurring with the end of the COVID Public Health Emergency (PHE). This information can be beneficial for community health workers/promotores as they support clients in maintaining or obtaining new coverage. The webinar includes information about what is happening in different states. Slides are available for download and the webinar is available in English here: Changes to Medicaid Enrollment Policies | Partnering for Vaccine Equity and in Spanish here: [Español] Changes to Medicaid Enrollment Policies | Partnering for Vaccine Equity.



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