Webinar: Building Trust and Vaccine Confidence with Historically Marginalized Populations

Webinar: Building Trust and Vaccine Confidence with Historically Marginalized Populations

Date posted: March 29, 2022
Last reviewed: December 21, 2022

National Health Care For the Homeless Council (NHCHC)

Webinar prepares health centers and community health workers to build confidence around the COVID-19 vaccine. This two-part video series provides insight into the historical background of how trust has been broken among marginalized populations, including people experiencing homelessness, and the principles of trustworthiness. The video series explains promising practices on how one may become more trustworthy to build more trusting relationships with the people they serve. The first video in the series focuses on the historical background of how trust has been broken among marginalized populations. Part 1 is available here: Trust or Trustworthiness: Which Comes First? (Part 1 of 2) | National Health Care for the Homeless Council. The second video highlights the principles of trustworthiness and building trust with communities. Part 2 is available here: Trust or Trustworthiness: Which Comes First? (Part 2) | National Health Care for the Homeless Council. Each session is approximately one hour long and slides for both sessions are available.


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