Webinar: Building Effective Communication to Help Increase Vaccine Confidence Using the AIMS Model

Blue and white background with white and black text with the webinar title and date. The NACCHO logo is at the bottom right corner.

Webinar: Building Effective Communication to Help Increase Vaccine Confidence Using the AIMS Model

Date posted: November 3, 2022
Last reviewed: June 03, 2024

National Association of County & City Health Officials (NACCHO) and Sanofi

Webinar communicates resources and strategies for healthcare providers to build vaccine confidence for COVID-19 and flu vaccinations using the AIMS (Announce, Inquire, Mirror, and Secure) Model. This model can help increase the effectiveness of conversations with patients or caregivers to promote healthy vaccine behaviors. The webinar also shares a health department's experience and its strategies for improving influenza vaccine access. The duration of the webinar is 54:47 and can be accessed here: Building Effective Communication to Help Increase Vaccine Confidence Using the AIMS (Announce, Inquire, Mirror, and Secure) Model | NACCHO.


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