Video: Vaccine Worries - Dispelling Myths and Embracing Safety (1:14)

Graphic of two Latina women facing each other while sitting down, one is holding a baby that is sleeping, and there is a circular bubble with a close up of the baby's face

Video: Vaccine Worries - Dispelling Myths and Embracing Safety (1:14)

Date posted: February 19, 2025
Last reviewed: February 19, 2025

Stanford Center for Health Education

Video for parents and caregivers discusses common concerns for childhood vaccines. The video describes how vaccines are safe and protect infants and children by reducing the likelihood of serious illness. Additionally, mild side effects such as pain at the injection site or fever after vaccines are normal and usually temporary. Video can be accessed here: Vaccine Worries: Dispelling Myths and Embracing Safety | Stanford Center for Health Education.



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