Report: Building the Evidence Base for Advancing Vaccine Equity: Findings from the P4VE Promising Practices Project

Report: Building the Evidence Base for Advancing Vaccine Equity: Findings from the P4VE Promising Practices Project

Date posted: October 3, 2023
Last reviewed: October 03, 2023

Urban Institute, Partnering for Vaccine Equity (P4VE)

Report summarizes the Partnering For Vaccine Equity (P4VE) project titled Building the Evidence Base for Promising Practices, which supported 18 P4VE-funded organizations across the United States in implementing tailored outreach strategies to advance vaccine equity and uptake in their communities. The report describes the effectiveness of each organization's strategies in one of three areas: (1) media-based outreach, (2) community-based outreach, and (3) vaccine events and partnerships. These lessons learned provide evidence for what works in promoting and achieving more equitable vaccine access.


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