Video: How Healthcare Professionals Recommend Vaccines - Addressing Flu Vaccine Myths (0:29)

Carol Hayes, CNM next to text reading "How do you recommend flu vaccines to patients and why do you say it that way?" With the hashtag "How I recommend"

Video: How Healthcare Professionals Recommend Vaccines - Addressing Flu Vaccine Myths (0:29)

Date posted: July 13, 2022
Last reviewed: September 08, 2023

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Video features a healthcare provider describing how she recommends flu vaccines to all patients. She discusses the importance of listening to any concerns patients have that makes them hesitant to get the flu vaccine, and addressing any misinformation or myths underlying these concerns. This video is part of a series available on the Vaccine Resource Hub. The video is available here: Carol Hayes, CNM, Describes How She Recommends Flu Vaccine | CDC.


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