Social Media: Graphics on Public Health Guidance Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic (English, Spanish)

Social Media: Graphics on Public Health Guidance Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic (English, Spanish)

Date posted: April 27, 2022
Last reviewed: April 21, 2023

The Public Good Projects in collaboration with the Hispanic Communications Network and World Voices Media

Set of graphics for a social media carousel post describes preventative measures for public health that are a part of everyday life even when there isn't a pandemic. The graphics reference handwashing for restaurant workers, sanitizing tools at a nail salon, and having an automated external defibrillator (AED) available in public locations as examples of beneficial recommendations for public health. The graphics propose wearing a mask when sick as another recommendation that can be helpful beyond the context of the pandemic. 


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El sitio web Vaccine Resource Hub proporciona una traducción automática de al español, por medio del Traductor de Google. Por favor, tenga en cuenta que la versión en inglés es considerada la más precisa. En caso de desacuerdo o discrepancia entre la traducción y la versión original en inglés de este sitio web o cualquier aviso o descargo, prevalecerá la versión original.