Emmanuel Communities

Websites Work!

A checkmark with a line through the top next to the words learn, decide, act.

When Emmanuel Communities set up a booth at a health fair in southern Florida, they distributed fliers in three languages — English, Spanish, and Creole – and facilitated 50 COVID-19 vaccinations. But not every attendee chose to be vaccinated that day. One gentleman who stopped by the booth was uncertain about how the vaccine would affect him and left unvaccinated – but he took a flyer home with him. After reading the flyer and later visiting Emmanuel Communities' VaxTruths website, he changed his mind and contacted the organization about getting vaccinated. It was an experience that Tamika Seaton, VaxTruths project manager, would take to heart. “This is a great success story about the importance of educating the community about the vaccine to empower people to make the best decision not only for themselves, but for their family and the community,” she said.

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El sitio web Vaccine Resource Hub proporciona una traducción automática de vaccineresourcehub.org al español, por medio del Traductor de Google. Por favor, tenga en cuenta que la versión en inglés es considerada la más precisa. En caso de desacuerdo o discrepancia entre la traducción y la versión original en inglés de este sitio web o cualquier aviso o descargo, prevalecerá la versión original.