Leave No Veteran Behind

Race Concordance Crushes Misinformation

Professional headshot of a Black man wearing his military uniform

Chicago, Illinois-based Leave No Veteran Behind (LNVB) has a strong ally on the frontlines of COVID-19 in medical doctor and community leader Colonel Dr. Damon T. Arnold. Many veterans served by LNVB in Chicago feared getting vaccinated due to historical mistreatment of African Americans in health settings. Col. Dr. Arnold stepped up to help put their minds at ease. A member of LNVB’s board of advisors, former director of the Illinois Department of Public Health and the former Illinois National Guard Surgeon General, Col. Dr. Arnold made himself available to anyone LNVB sent his way to discuss COVID-19, the vaccines, and related impacts on the community. Veterans who met with him were grateful to talk with a Black medical doctor and community leader who devoted his personal time to help address their concerns.

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