Jewish Vocational Service Bureau of Kansas City (JVS)

Promoting Better Health in Kansas City

A person wearing a mask and gloves speaks to a patient

In March and April 2022, Jewish Vocational Service Bureau of Kansas City (JVS), hosted four vaccination events to expand access to the COVID-19 vaccine and provide a space for community members to ask questions. These events also offered additional health screenings, including blood pressure and glucose checks, cancer risk reduction education, smoking cessation education and STI testing. COVID-19 testing took place in a private area and allowed clients to feel safe asking questions and receiving the vaccine without judgement. JVS also provided clients with transportation to and from the events and had interpreters for five languages on-site to help clients navigate paperwork and ask questions. These events helped 94 people receive COVID-19 doses, including 51 first doses, and helped JVS build trust within their community.

Learn more about the work of the Jewish Vocational Service Bureau of Kansas City

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