University of Houston

Arts in the Park Lift Community Spirits

Black spoken word poet stands in front of a microphone on an outdoor stage.

The University of Houston organized an expansive arts series in Houston’s Discovery Green park throughout the summer of 2022 to encourage constructive public health conversations through a variety of inspiring performances. The “Come Together Houston: A Community Arts and Health Partnership” featured four months of music, dance and poetry as well as health education, including information about COVID-19 vaccines. Notable performances included one by muralist GONZO247 who asked for words representing attendees’ ideal “after pandemic experience.” Among the responses were the words “explore, invent, and build.” Outspoken Bean, Houston’s poet-laureate, performed spoken words poems, inspiring community members with meaningful reflections. In the series finale, Urban Souls dancers Anthony Davis and Brittany Jones performed to beats from DJ Yung Chris, and their audience danced along.

Black artist spray paints words like "hope" and "travel" on a large wooden board for an outdoor art exhibition about life after the pandemic.

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