Webinar: Vaccine Activity Planner (English, Spanish)

Webinar: Vaccine Activity Planner (English, Spanish)

Date posted: May 15, 2023
Last reviewed: May 15, 2023

Partnering for Vaccine Equity (P4VE)

Webinar introduces CDC's Vaccine Activity Planner and provides a live demonstration of this new tool, which is designed for state and local health departments, community-based organizations, and other partners to plan vaccination activities. This application contains layers of sociodemographic indicators that can be mapped with measures of vaccine confidence, access, and vaccination coverage related to COVID-19. The webinar is approximately 52 minutes long. The slides and a how-to guide are available for download and the recording is available at: English | Vax Activity Planner_4.24.23 | P4VE and Spanish | [Español] Vax Activity Planner_4.24.23 | P4VE. The Vaccine Activity Planner is available here: Tool: Vaccine Activity Planner Mapping Tool.


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