Webinar: Partnering with Local Health Departments for Vaccine Equity (English, Spanish)
Webinar: Partnering with Local Health Departments for Vaccine Equity (English, Spanish)
Partnering for Vaccine Equity (P4VE)
Webinar features a panel of experts discussing partnerships between community-based organizations and local health departments and how they can be used to improve vaccine equity. The webinar includes research on vaccine attitudes and uptake and real-life stories of successful partnerships. The webinar is available in English at: Partnering with Local Health Departments for Vaccine Equity | P4VE and Spanish at: Spanish| Partnering with Local Health Departments for Vaccine Equity | P4VE. The English version of the webinar is 50:43 and the Spanish version is 49:36. The PowerPoint slides and notes from the discussion are also available for download, as well as examples of materials created through public health partnerships.