Webinar: Improving the Vaccination Experience: Accessible Vaccination for Neurodiverse People at Any Age

Webinar: Improving the Vaccination Experience: Accessible Vaccination for Neurodiverse People at Any Age

Date posted: January 4, 2023
Last reviewed: January 04, 2023

Immunize.org formerly Immunization Action Coalition (IAC)

Webinar features experts from the Autism Society, who discuss best practices caring for and vaccinating neurodiverse patients. In this webinar, participants learn more about the Autism Society’s practical tips to improve vaccine confidence by employing strategies to reduce stress when vaccinating neurodiverse patients. Slides are available for download. The full webinar is approximately one hour long is available here: Improving the Vaccination Experience: Accessible Vaccination for Neurodiverse People at Any Age | Immunize.org.


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