Webinar: HPV Vaccination Collaborations & Partnerships

Screen grab of a webinar platform with a welcome slide that contains a photo of an older white woman, Dr. Kristin Oliver

Webinar: HPV Vaccination Collaborations & Partnerships

Date posted: January 17, 2025
Last reviewed: January 17, 2025

American Cancer Society

Webinar covers the current state of HPV vaccine coverage in the United States and efforts to boost vaccine uptake among schoolchildren, young adults, and underserved populations. Healthcare providers, health departments, and community-based organizations can use the information presented in this webinar about best practices to facilitate partnerships in school settings, with state and city departments, and with foundations for coalition building. The session also focused on evidence-based strategies for increasing vaccine uptake, promoting health equity, and enhancing staff capacity and provider engagement in program initiatives. The duration of the webinar is 1:32:29 and can be accessed here: ACS HPVRT 2024 National Meeting Session 4: HPV Vaccination Collaborations & Partnerships | American Cancer Society.


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