Webinar: Best Practices for Program Evaluation

Webinar: Best Practices for Program Evaluation

Date posted: September 7, 2022
Last reviewed: December 23, 2022

Partnering for Vaccine Equity (P4VE)

Webinar discusses promising strategies for program evaluation and creating an evaluation plan to assess the impact of community-based initiatives. The webinar also features speakers from Live Healthy Miami Gardens, the American Heart Association, and Community Catalyst discussing their experiences evaluating public health programs, including initiatives to promote COVID-19 and flu vaccine equity in their communities. The presentation is followed by a Q&A session. The webinar is available in English here: Recording_Evaluation_5.3.22 | P4VE and in Spanish here: [Español] Recording_Evaluation_5.3.22 | P4VE. Both webinars are approximately 1 hour long. Additional materials including webinar slides and answers from the Q&A session are available. 


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