Webinar: Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy Among Refugee, Immigrant, and Migrant Communities Through Education and Outreach

The title slide of a webinar has the title "addressing vaccine hesitancy through education and outreach webinar" in maroon text against a gray background

Webinar: Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy Among Refugee, Immigrant, and Migrant Communities Through Education and Outreach

Date posted: September 7, 2022
Last reviewed: October 04, 2023

Center for Asian Health Equity

Webinar promotes best practices in addressing vaccine hesitancy within Asian and African refugee, immigrant, and migrant communities. The webinar discusses how to create culturally and linguistically appropriate education and outreach materials and the importance of incorporating community members' feedback. The webinar is 42 minutes long and is available here: Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy Through Education and Outreach | Center for Asian Health Equity. The webinar was presented in August 2022, and some of the COVID information is reflective of that time. 


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