Video: What is Health Equity? (English, Spanish) (3:53)

Graphic of four stick people watching a baseball game over a fence. One is standing on two milk crates to watch the game, one is standing on a single crate, one is on the ground, and one is in a ditch.

Video: What is Health Equity? (English, Spanish) (3:53)

Date posted: October 10, 2023
Last reviewed: October 10, 2023

American Public Health Association (APHA)

Video describes health equity and defines key terms related to health equity including social determinants of health, equity, equality, health disparities, and racial disparities. The video is available in English here: What is Health Equity? Episode 2 of "That's Public Health" | APHA and in English with Spanish subtitles here: What is Health Equity? (Spanish subtitles) | APHA.


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