Video: Racism and Medical Mistrust in Health Care (7:34)

Video: Racism and Medical Mistrust in Health Care (7:34)

Video: Racism and Medical Mistrust in Health Care (7:34)

Date posted: October 3, 2023
Last reviewed: October 03, 2023

Stanford University

Video that describes how racism contributes to medical mistrust and health disparities. It emphasizes that medical mistrust is a resilient and protective response to a system that has not always been trustworthy. This video is part of the 5-Minute Moment for Racial Justice curriculum from the Stanford Center for Continuing Medical Education (CME) and is intended to educate clinicians on the history of racism in health care and ways to build trust with patients who have experienced medical mistrust. The video is available here: Racism and Medical Mistrust in Health Care | Stanford CME


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