Video: How Vaccines Work (English, Spanish) (1:26, 1:41)

A cartoon man clutches his chest. Cartoon images of germs, a thermometer, stomach, lungs, and batter are around the man.

Video: How Vaccines Work (English, Spanish) (1:26, 1:41)

Date posted: July 5, 2022
Last reviewed: August 22, 2023

Vaccinate Your Family

Video uses a sports analogy to explain how vaccines work to give your immune system information it needs to prepare before an infection, so it can fight back stronger and more effectively. The video encourages parents to get routine vaccinations for their children to protect their family. This video is available in English here: How Do Vaccines Work? | Vaccinate Your Family and is available in Spanish here: Spanish | Let's Talk About Vaccines | Vaccinate Your Family.


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El sitio web Vaccine Resource Hub proporciona una traducción automática de al español, por medio del Traductor de Google. Por favor, tenga en cuenta que la versión en inglés es considerada la más precisa. En caso de desacuerdo o discrepancia entre la traducción y la versión original en inglés de este sitio web o cualquier aviso o descargo, prevalecerá la versión original.