Video: Historical Catalysts of Medical Mistrust in African American Individuals Within the 21st Century (8:02)

Cartoon illustrations include a doctor's briefcase and a man and woman holding a magnifying glass. Text reads: "Medical Mistrust, "suspicion or lack of trust in medical organizations."

Video: Historical Catalysts of Medical Mistrust in African American Individuals Within the 21st Century (8:02)

Date posted: October 2, 2023
Last reviewed: October 02, 2023

McMaster University

Video describes the impact of medical mistrust on the quality of health care and explores pivotal historical events that have contributed to mistrust among African Americans. Key examples include the unauthorized use of Henrietta Lacks's cells without her consent or privacy, as well as the Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis. The full video is available here: Historical Catalysts of Medical Mistrust in African American Individuals Within the 21st Century | McMaster University.


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