Video and Podcast: Long COVID - Support Patients and Families (21:54)

Graphic of a Black male doctor, a white male doctor, and a Latina doctor showing a bandage on each of their arms. The doctors are next to a COVID-19 virus particle

Video and Podcast: Long COVID - Support Patients and Families (21:54)

Date posted: September 18, 2024
Last reviewed: September 18, 2024

Migrant Clinician's Network (MCN)

Video and podcast highlight what Long COVID is, the symptoms of Long COVID, and disparities that immigrant and migrant worker communities may face. Healthcare providers and community health workers may use this podcast for tips on a compassionate and informed approach to encourage patients to get vaccinated to reduce the risk of Long COVID. The video and podcast and additional resources can be accessed here: Long COVID: Supporting Patients and Families | MCN.


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El sitio web Vaccine Resource Hub proporciona una traducción automática de al español, por medio del Traductor de Google. Por favor, tenga en cuenta que la versión en inglés es considerada la más precisa. En caso de desacuerdo o discrepancia entre la traducción y la versión original en inglés de este sitio web o cualquier aviso o descargo, prevalecerá la versión original.