Toolkit: Trauma-informed Approaches for Local Health Departments and Non-profit Organizations Working with RIM Communities

Toolkit: Trauma-informed Approaches for Local Health Departments and Non-profit Organizations Working with RIM Communities

Date posted: October 18, 2024
Last reviewed: October 18, 2024

National Association of County & City Health Officials (NACCHO)

Toolkit provides local health departments and non-profit organizations an overview of trauma-informed approaches when working with refugee, immigrant & migrant (RIM) communities that have experienced traumas across multiple contexts, at the individual, interpersonal, and collective or systemic levels. By leveraging trauma-informed approaches, organizations can engender trust and meaningful engagement with RIM communities, which is crucial to service uptake and improved health outcomes. The toolkit includes a list of the six principles of trauma-informed care, as well as an evaluation checklists so organizations can identify where they are already implementing these principles and where approaches can be improved.


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