Toolkit: Engaging Young Adults Around COVID-19 Vaccination

screenshot of the #NoJudgement webpage with cartoon images of young people of various races and religions

Toolkit: Engaging Young Adults Around COVID-19 Vaccination

Date posted: April 6, 2022
Last reviewed: April 27, 2023

National Resource Center for Refugees, Immigrants, and Migrants (NRC-RIM) and

Toolkit provides materials developed for young people by young people as part of the #NoJudgment campaign. Resources for organizations and individuals are designed to help de-escalate the often polarized conversations that take place around the COVID-19 vaccine, and take into account the unique needs of young people in refugee, immigrant and migrant (RIM) communities. The toolkit includes customizable social media graphics, "info bites" with information and responses to common vaccine concerns, and conversation tips. This toolkit is available at No Judgement | National Resource Center for Refugees, Immigrants, and Migrants.


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