Social Media: Video Offers Prevention Strategies for Bird Flu (English, Spanish) (0:50)

Video still contains an image of a black woman looking at her computer

Social Media: Video Offers Prevention Strategies for Bird Flu (English, Spanish) (0:50)

Date posted: July 24, 2024
Last reviewed: July 24, 2024

The Public Good Projects, Public Good News

Video for social media provides information on how to protect yourself from bird flu (H5N1). Video recommends that all individuals avoid raw dairy products and for farm workers to wear protective gear when working near animals. Resource is available in English here: How to Protect Yourself From H5N1 Bird Flu (English) | Public Good News, and in Spanish here: Cómo Protegerte de la Gripe Aviar H5N1 (Spanish) | Public Good News.




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