Report and Factsheet: 2023 Immunization Profile Study

Report and Factsheet: 2023 Immunization Profile Study

Date posted: October 18, 2024
Last reviewed: October 18, 2024

National Association of County & City Health Officials (NACCHO)

Report details the results of a 2023 survey of 422 local health departments representing 40 states and the District of Columbia. The data show point-in-time information and longitudinal change since 2017 related to local health departments’ immunization infrastructure, services, and priorities. A press release highlighting key findings from the study is available at New NACCHO Study Shows Over a Doubling of Local Health Department Immunization Spending with Increases in Innovative Service Delivery and Outreach | NAACHO. The factsheet also shows key findings in an accessible infographic format. Finally, a podcast discussing the study and its implications with three NAACHO representatives is available at Experts Discuss Key Findings From NACCHO’s Recent Immunization Study | NAACHO (13:06).


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