Factsheet and Video: COVID-19 Vaccination and the d/Deaf Community

Webpage with blog post and YouTube embedded video in American Sign Language on a white background with black text. The Astho logo is at the top of the webpage.

Factsheet and Video: COVID-19 Vaccination and the d/Deaf Community

Date posted: October 5, 2022
Last reviewed: October 05, 2022

Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO)

Factsheet and embedded video (in American Sign Language) discuss challenges that members of the d/Deaf community have experienced surrounding COVID-19 vaccination, such as lack of access to information, and how these challenges lead to health inequities. The resource outlines accessible communication strategies to use when sharing information about COVID-19 vaccination and other information that individuals need to make informed health decisions. The factsheet and embedded video are available here: COVID-19 Vaccination and the d/Deaf Community | ASTHO.


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El sitio web Vaccine Resource Hub proporciona una traducción automática de vaccineresourcehub.org al español, por medio del Traductor de Google. Por favor, tenga en cuenta que la versión en inglés es considerada la más precisa. En caso de desacuerdo o discrepancia entre la traducción y la versión original en inglés de este sitio web o cualquier aviso o descargo, prevalecerá la versión original.