Factsheet: Benefits of Flu Vaccination During Pregnancy (English, Spanish)

CDC Webpage

Factsheet: Benefits of Flu Vaccination During Pregnancy (English, Spanish)

Date posted: November 29, 2022
Last reviewed: June 20, 2024

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Factsheet highlights findings from a study on the effectiveness of flu vaccination in pregnant women. The study found that flu vaccination during pregnancy was associated with a lower risk of stillbirth, preterm delivery, and babies born with low birth weight. The findings further support the value of flu vaccination in pregnant women. The factsheet is available in English here: English | New Study Shows Benefits of Flu Vaccination During Pregnancy as Flu Vaccine Uptake in Pregnant Women Lags | CDC. It is available in Spanish here: Spanish | Un nuevo estudio muestra los beneficios de la vacunación contra la influenza durante el embarazo | CDC


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